Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Thrill

2014…. if I could sum it up in one word it would be THRILL.

I have grown this year more than I have grown any other year. I don't know if you are like me, but I feel as if I say this every year. I hope we can all say this every year and mean it. This year I started out saying “This is my year, this is the year I am going to shine” I started a blog, and when I started writing I discovered, I have no f-ing idea what I am doing… Why do I think people care about what I have to say? The truth is, most of you probably don’t care what I have to say, I am 24, and I have not accomplished anything in my life worth writing about. I just thought this would be something I could tell my kids one day “Kids I use to have a blog”. Honestly, I probably should have started a personal diary. I did not start it because I thought I was a profound writer, because many of you have seen my typos. However, this blog has really helped me grow. I have never been one for vulnerability, but I opened up to the few that follow my blog, and it has helped me become one with my own skin.

I was such a prick at the beginning of the year. I was probably a prick before that, I just didn’t realize I was a prick until then. I was so stressed, and wound up so tight it is comical looking back now. I think my prickness was really just a cover up for my insecurities. All I did was whine all the damn time about inevitable truths. Throughout the year I think I finally grasped the concept of letting go. I have to admit, letting go has to be the most liberating concept. After I learned how to let go, everything in life instantly became fun. I learned how to enjoy the imperfections of life. Not only enjoy, now I appreciate every beautiful disaster of life. I learned how to cope with losing people, I learned how to let people in. I grew spiritually, and I feel as if for the FIRST time in my life my soul is happy. 

The thrilling part of this year are the many roller-coaster rides I have been on this year, from seeing marriages coming together, to falling a part. Self-proclaiming myself as "The White Beyonce’". From witnessing life grow inside my sister, to almost losing my beloved BoomPah (Grandpa). To hearing numerous lies about the taste of Kale.And in the midst of everything, I have fallen in love for the very first time in my life, and I have to say.... Why the hell was I so scared of this? 

This year has been simply amazing, and I want to thank the audience that I have, because all of our various conversations and late night realizations have transformed me... I know I have been slacking on the blog, but I would really like to turn this into something big. This is my last blog for the year, but I think next year, I'm going to switch it up on everyone, and hit you guys with something that will BLOW YOUR MIND. Because next year, I do not want to be in the same place I am this year. Enjoy the rest of the year, I wish everyone Happy and Blessed Holidays!!!!

You're homework this holiday season, is figuring out how to transform yourself next year.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Kiss Kiss- Muuuaaaaah!

      Devotion,Trust, Kisses, Affection, Vulnerability, Compassion, Support, Forgiveness, Friendship, Sex, Patience, Understanding, Sweet, Caring, Loyalty, Respect, Sharing, Passion, Comfort, Butterflies, Together, Joy. These words sound amazing right? All of these can be used to describe the ONE thing I convinced myself I wanted nothing to do with...A Relationship. If you evaluate each word individually, it does not seem so bad does it? Well of course not, they are all very uplifting words. It makes a relationship seem the greatest thing that could ever happen to anyone... These are the things we think about when picturing a relationship, these are the things that make us feel the butterflies to every love song. However, what about the tragic words? The words that wrote every Adele and Taylor Swift song? How do you keep your relationship writing  John Legend songs? Since, I am not the best person to give relationship advice, I thought you guys could help me out. After a text forum with close friends and family, I have noticed that each and everyone of us have our own perception of relationships. There is something different we all seek in relationships, and there is something different we all are willing to give in relationships. After discussing this with my friends and families views on their relationships, or potential relationships I found my self wondering... "What the hell did I get myself into?" Just like a snowflake, no relationship is the same. What one person would do in a relationship, is not what another would do in a relationship. As I am searching for some type of "Relationship for Dummies Manual" I realize that each relationship writes its own guideline, and I am shit out of luck. So I have to ask myself: "What do I want out of this relationship?"

      In my past Entry "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang" I was more favorable towards Bang Banging, than I was Kiss Kissing. Before you all roll your eyes, and think "Sell Out". I am not saying I have changed my mind or anything, but today, I find myself more curious about  Kiss Kissing.... Curiosity did kill the Cat.. So although I have jumped into the water, I tread with caution. While treading the water with some of you guys, I curious to your rules in the world of dating, and relationships I want to know this, because I constantly hear people discuss the "Do's" and "Don'ts" of Relationships, and I am wondering what Prick wrote these "Laws". The main discussions I have been in recently are the examples I am about to give... So I want to hear your feedback on your Rules for the following, what do you find acceptable, and what do you not find acceptable. With anything in life, everything is circumstantial, so I want to dig deep, and you tell me... What are your circumstances, I want to know what wrote your Rules. I want your raw feedback.

Exes... Can you remain friends?
      Majority of the people reading along are going to say "F--- No!". There are some people who believe that you are only friends with an ex because of 2 reasons: you were either never in love with the person, or you are still in love with the person. Which could be true. There are some people who have past events that have tainted their trust in this situation.If you had an Ex that cheated on you with one of their exes... That would make anyone insecure. There are some people who say that it depends on the ex, and the situation. Which is a very valid point, I know me and some of my friends personally hold friendships near and dear to our heart, and do not want to cut people out of our lives. So I want you ask you: Are you still friends with your exes? Do you feel comfortable with you partner being friends with their ex? What are your circumstances for the ex? How friendly can you be with your ex?

Love... When do you know you have fallen in Love?
      This is my favorite question, because there are so many different way people express the feeling you get when you "know" you're in Love. I have never been in love, but it is entertaining to try and imagine what people describe. I also love this question so much, because so many other questions follow after asking it. When asking my friends some said, you say "I love you" when you cannot imagine your life with out that person. Some said that you say it when you would die for that person. Some said that you say it when you get to the point to where you can't even hold the words in, and you're going to burst until you express it. One happen to say that  it depends on whether or not we are talking about a Guy or a Girl. I personally have always believed that Guys know they are in Love before Women do. I was soon corrected , and was informed  that if a Guy says "I Love You" before the girl, the relationship will not last. However, if a Woman says "I Love You" first, the relationship will last.The belief is that when a girl says "I Love You" it is genuine, but when a guy says "I Love You" it is strategic... So tell me Ladies and Gents, are there Gender Rules to saying "I Love You"? When do you think it is the right time to say "I Love You"? How do you know if the Love is genuine?

The Past... how much do we really want to know?
        This is something that haunts all of us, the past is what makes up all of our hopes, insecurities, and ultimately makes us who we are today. It is also something that can allow someone to judge you, it can push someone away, and it can change the way someone sees you.This was a question that never had a definite answer so I want to ask you guys: How much do we really want to know about a person? Do we really want to know everything? How much of the past really matters? In my person opinion, I think the past writes all our rules in the current relationship we are in, and any relationship in the future. I think that the past mistakes we have made, and the past heart aches build our barriers up, and in a way dictates our future.

So the real question would be, What past relationship is writing your current Relationship's Rules?

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang

      Love or Sex, that is the question! What is either one anyway? Do any of us really know what Love is? On the other hand, do any of us really know the magnitude of Sex? I feel as if they both have a couple of things in common, at one point or another, we all long for them and we all use them in vain. You have to have some kind of connection for either one to work, and they have a way of blinding us. Now that I think about it, they are both very similar... However, I wonder: if they are so similar, why do they not seem to go hand-in-hand? What I mean by that is: why can we have one without the other? Unfortunately, I have never been in Love and had Sex (GASP), so I have never officially "Made Love". However, I have had amazing Sex, and never been in Love with that person... So I have to ask you, can you have both? Is it possible to get the FULL PACKAGE, you know a Love you fall so deep into, and the kind of Sex you never thought you would get into? The kind of relationship that does not make you want to look up at the stars, and wish for something more... That my friends, that may be THE DREAM! 

      I have written about Love in a past entry, so you should know my complex with it. At this juncture in my life, I don't quite know if I believe in it. I Love my family, I Love my friends, but as far as me falling head over hills for someone.... I have other dreams to fantasize about. Does that make me cynical? I would be lying if I said that I have never desired it, because I have heard people talk about being in Love, and I thought to myself "I want to be in Love",  but I also want to never pay another bill again, and travel the world... To me the latter seems more plausible. I think Love can be made out into such a cliche', but yet it is an ungrasped emotion for me. More often than not, I think people convince themselves of Love, and they have fallen victim to it. I also think that more often than not, people hate feeling alone, and substitute their infatuation with Love. For me Love does not last, maybe it is because I have not found anyone that I am willing to put the time in for. (I make it sound like a prison sentence) After the "Honey Moon Phase" I am ready to "Phase" you out of my life. I am young, and Love is the furthest from my mind. My idea of Love is someone carrying my groceries for me, and paying for my tab at the end of the night. I do not wish to pursue someone for the rest of my life right now, because I am not even a quarter of a century old yet, and I want to enjoy myself before it is all over. I have the rest of my life, to spend the rest of my life with Mr. Right. And darling, I am not that anxious to start that right now. I have also witnessed too many couples admit to longing for more of a sexual connection with their partner. I hear them get too comfortable, and the Sex goes out the window. So can you Love someone with out enjoying the Sex with them? Is Sex a luxury feature in Love?

      I have never written about Sex before, but tonight I am going to try and get my Carrie Bradshaw on. (Mom, Dad, Brothers, Sister, Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, and Gammy.... I am still your little girl, but this is the part where you go back to doing whatever it is you were doing before you started reading my blog, I will explain it when you're older... I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT) Sex, is not so complex for for me, or so I thought... I use to think that the only thing that complicated this, was that Little Red Devil "Pandora" that likes to rear her ugly face once a month. However, I thought this because I did not respect what Sex is. I did not value Sex or the person I shared it with, like I do today. Sex can completely complicate a relationship, the passion can be misleading,and the respect can be missing.I can admit to one thing right now, and that is that I Love Sex, I am not a maniac about it, but the experience is nice. I have more positive things to say about Sex than I do Love, because I feel as if it is something that cannot be faked. You cannot fake sexual chemistry with someone. I feel like you do not fully know a person until you share yourself with them.. (You might think them to be one way in the streets, but they could be the polar opposite between the sheets.) It is just one of those moments where our souls are using our bodies to come together, it is pure. I use to feel as if Sex was something to be shy about, I am not so much that way anymore. Do not get me wrong, there is an ugly side to Sex. The scary thing about it, is that you do not have to be in Love to enjoy it. I feel as if people use Sex as a substitute for Love as well. Sex can ruin a relationship faster than Love can, because at least in Love people have a mutual respect for each other. Sex, it can be very selfish, we usually only want it for our own sexual needs. You never really go into Sex thinking I cannot wait to please that person... You usually go into it wanting someone to please your needs. I have had a relationship or two based on Sex, and secretly inside, I just wanted the Love, as a security blanket. I did not want to lose my Sex to that person falling in Love with someone else. That my friend is the perfect example of selfish, so now I am in this complex with Sex. I am at a place where I do not want to share it with any one new unless I Love them, because at least if I at least have that, we will both respect each other enough to not have the Sex ruin our relationship. However, I have found myself putting too much emphasis on Love, and none on Sex... And since I have expressed that I do not believe in Love, you can see where a drought may occur.

      I am not longing for some meaningless one night stand, and I am not looking for the person I am wanting to spend the rest off my life with. I guess I am just wondering what will happen if Love and Sex combine forces... Maybe one night I will travel way above the clouds, and high above the stars, through some unknown black holes, to a place where no one knows. However, tonight I am on earth, looking at the stars wishing for something more... I want to leave you with the question Love or Sex?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Girl Interupted- By a Broken Record.

      Have you ever tossed and turned all night, haunted by your own meandering thoughts? You try to sleep, but your mind will not let you, and the whole time you're just wondering how to turn the friggin' thing off? You're too exhausted to tap into your inner self, so you just wait for your stubborn mind to finally back off and rest. Have you ever felt like a second person to yourself? What I mean by that is we are complex. People talk about themselves in second person all the time, they express themselves as being beside themselves. In my opinion: I have my mind that thinks, I have my heart/soul that feels, and I have my body that acts. Sometimes, I act logically with my brain, and sometimes my emotions get the best of me, and I act out with feeling. Out-of-body experiences are a perfect example of us being two. There are different beliefs on the matter, but the underlying theme is that it is where our soul, spirit detaches itself away from our physical body. It is said to happen during dreams, near death experiences, medication, sex, and unforgettable moments. Are we really "Outside of ourselves" or is it one of those rare, overwhemlimg moments where our mind body and spirit are in sync?

      Lately, it seems as if this is a ritual in my life... The other night, I finally threw my hands in the air and gave up. I drew a warm bath, and prepared some relaxation tea, I was going to put this stubborn thing to rest. As I lay in the tub drinking tea, my head had never felt so clear. I was "beside my self" because I felt pure relaxation. I lay in the tub for about an hour, because I have not felt that relaxed in forever. I couldn't help but enjoy it, I would give anything to feel that way every minute of my life, I felt human. I know that sounds weird "I felt human", but for once, in a long time, I didn't feel like the machine I have become. The machine that is working to pay bills. The Machine that is programed to wake up at 7:00AM every morning, almost like a coffee maker. I am tired, I am a kind of tired that sleep just cannot fix. I am tired of working a 70 hour week, only to make cut throat decisions such as: spending my last $10.00 on a couple of gallons of gas for my car "Lance", or roman noodles and tampons for my period "Pandora". At times, I feel stifled, when I was laying in the tub sipping my tea, in that moment it was refreshing to be able to take a deep breath. It was almost as if me taking a deep breath and submerging myself in the water, was me pressing a reset button. In a way, it was as if I woke myself up, and it  made me question if I had lost touch with humanity. I am beyond bored with my whole existence revolving around money, and working to exist. And I know you guys have to be bored with the same old post over and over. I wrote about this in my introductory entry... This is not the way I want to "live".  What can I do?  I have enslaved myself to paying bills, I am stuck with my responsibilities. Do I start a Pay-Pal account, and link it to my Facebook, and ask you guys a couple of times a month to donate and support my lifestyle? (I will let it marinate on you for a second....) All jokes aside, I  am scared of where I am going, I don't want to just get by and fade away. I want more out of life then a "9-5", I believe there is more to life than this assembly line I am on.

       I catch myself obsessing over worldly possessions. It is crazy to me to see four people sitting at a table, and not one of them are talking, they are all scrolling through Facebook, double clicking pictures on Instagram, answering back text. I find myself doing it more and more: refreshing Facebook to see if there is anything new that people posted or checking in every where I go to some what "brag" about what I am doing, snapping a picture of what I am doing so I can #Hashtag about it on Instagram, talking shit about shows on Twitter. Why do we care so much now-a-days about being relevant? We are so caught up with capturing a moment, that we forget to live the moment. I can't remember the last time I left my phone off to while I work out, or left my phone on silent in my purse while I am spending quality time with someone. I don't even talk on the phone anymore. I use to love talking on the phone when I was first getting to know a guy, I could hear him flirt, and his laugh, and getting lost in a conversation together. Now, I text a s simple conversation with someone, and send emoticons to indicate my flirty tone. It is ridiculous how much  we allow technology to enslave us. (I say that as I try and get you to read my virtual blog;before you snicker... Trust me, I see the irony)

      This year I set resolutions to get me away from the worldly objects. I wanted to reconnect with my family, and cherish more time with them. Creating unforgettable moments with friends, family and loved ones. A couple of friends and I have made a pact that we are going to go out one day a week and try something new. I cannot afford to travel at this juncture in my life, but I am not going to let that effect my ability to interact with my city, and the beautiful people who live in it. On top of trying a new place every week, I made a vow to my little dog Stormie, that we would go try out as many different parks the city has to offer. It have not been doing all of these thing religiously, but I have been enjoying them when I do get to do them. It is absolutely true what they say "The best things in life are free". I could never top the joy and laughter I have with my Fun Loving Family. You know those deep gut laughs, and your laughing because you're happy...I don't even understand half the jokes my family and I say, it is just a vibe we have. I thrive on the unforgettable conversations I have with my deliciously Seasoned Pals! They are the Caribbean Jerk to my life, teaching me so much about life, and they are the most warm hearted people I have ever met. They are the biggest breath of fresh air, their confidence and positivity are infectious! I live for buck wild nights with my Young,Thundering Heard, they keep me young, we struggle with the same problems, we are a bunch of beautiful messes just trying to figure it all out.

       My older audience may be reading this and laughing, or rolling their eyes, and that is okay... You have been here once too, it may be something we all go through periodically. I don't feel as if  I am ever writing about anything "new", I know there are other people who have been, and are currently going through everything I am experiencing. I just love the art of perspectives, I love experiencing other peoples perspectives. I want to share my perspective on my experience, and I love the feed back I get on other peoples perspective, it provides a whole new out look on life.

      At the end of my last post I challenged you to celebrate yourself. (I hope you all did) This week, let's put our phones down during a conversation and actually listen the person in front of us talking. This week, let's go out to eat and enjoy the moment with friends or family. This week, call someone and ask them to meet up instead of texting meaningless emoticons all day.This week go outside and enjoy nature! This week, go against your routine, and have a little fun!


Thursday, March 6, 2014

London London Londie!

      We all should be familiar with the Nursery Rhyme "London Bridge Falling Down". If you don't know it, it is a Nursery Rhyme about London Bridge falling down, and all the attempts that "My Fair Lady" should take to repair/rebuild the Never Ending Falling of the London Bridge.
They try to fix it with Wood and Clay...Sure enough, it washed away.
They try to rebuild it with Bricks and Mortar...Unfortunately, that did not stay.
They try to rebuild it again with Iron and Steel... Sadly, it bent and bowed.
They got fancy and tried to repair it with Silver and Gold... However they were scared it would get  stolen away.
To prevent it getting stolen away they hired a man to watch all night... Alas, he falls asleep.
So they end up giving him a pipe to smoke all night.

      Right now, My Life feels like the "London Bridge", and I am the "Fair lady". I am mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted... That would be something I could over come, but have you ever felt like that for a whole year straight? I know I come off as a Diva, I love Divas, I love how comfortable they are in their skin. I love how they can own every situation, and make it their own. I am a Diva, this has never been a doubt in my mind, I felt this way since before I can remember. As a Diva, I try to mold everyone into being their own Diva. I don't do this because I want to change someone, my attempt is out of the bottom of my heart. I, at one time was not comfortable in my own skin, and once I was, I felt like the world needed to experience this high. The high I get out of being myself, the pure appreciation I have for myself, I had never felt more empowered in my life. The best part of this whole feeling, is that I did not need anyone else to feed this to me. I possessed this myself, I made myself smile, I was the first person I fell in love with. You may be reading this and want to stop because you think this is the most narcissistic thing you could ever come across... Well you're probably right, but hang in there, my rant will soon be over, and you will see where I am getting at.

     One of my biggest faults is that I don't know how to say "No" enough. I over commit to everything. For Example:  I will commit to 2 jobs (committing to over 70 hours a week), and try to throw school on top of that, and make time for my dog Stormie, and a social life to seem normal. I get so wrapped up in other peoples lives, and I get senseless to what is happening in mine. I have now half-ass committed to everything. School... FORGET ABOUT IT. The time I want to spend to primp my self, maintain my figure, rejuvenate, read a book, catch up on my shows... It is LAST on my list. The time I want to spend with my dog at the park, or just time to show her that I love her... She is put second to last. Work, this is the only time I have fully committed to, because I have bills to pay. As strange as it sounds, this is my only relaxation time... Can you imagine? However, while I am there, all I am thinking about is my second job, and how not to fall short on that. My second job, I have fallen very far behind on. My relationships... Well those are becoming close to non existent. I can't even show them appreciation because I can't even take the time out of my day to show me or my dog enough appreciation. This is where the London Bridge starts crumbling down.

      I start growing resentment for myself, because I can't even relate to myself anymore. After a year of go-go-go-go and very little play time, I am too exhausted to even try to get to know myself again. I started this blog as a way of getting to know myself again, and maybe inspire someone along the way of my journey through my soul. I just celebrated my 24th birthday on Monday. Every year, I try to reflect on how much I have grown, and how much has changed with each year. Lately, I don't even feel like myself, I look in the mirror and wonder who this new person is. I have not even reflected long enough to know if this is a good thing or not. This year, I looked for these answers in the relationships around me, as if they define me. I depended on them to point them out to me, because my vision of myself has become hazy. I was so angry about this, and it was not until I started writing this blog that I understood why. At first, I was mad at the people there for not kissing my feet, and telling me of how much of a blessing I am to them. (That is a little joke) However, now  I see that it is not one else job to celebrate me, other than myself. Life is full of ups and downs... Lately, the intervals have been more  frequent. I have love the highs, I love feeling like the little Diva I am. I am learning to cope with the lows, slowly learning how to ride them.

      I know this entry has been back an forth, and a diva has nothing to do with London Bridge (Unless you are talking about Fergie-London Bridge). These were my organic thoughts, and how I processed them. I did not do too much editing, I wanted to just release all of the emotions that have been bottled up. Last week, I wrote about what makes you, YOU... Well this week, I want all of us to grab a glass of Champagne, and cheers to our "Chose"!

Our challenge this week: Treating ourselves to a celebration, because you deserve it dammit!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Girl Interupted- By a Marathon

      Like a marathon, these questions run through my head- What do you want? What are you scared of? Why are you running?  These questions may not seem so heavy, but trust me, they have been weighing heavy on my soul. Do we ever truly know what we want? Better yet, do we ever get what we truly want? Why do I feel as if I purposely hold my self back from what I truly want? You're probably reading this and thinking "Just answer the damn question already!" Unfortunately, I do not have the answers, all I have are these meandering thoughts...

      I feel as if, everything I am running from, everything I want out of life, and what I am scared of go hand in hand. However, I wanted to break my thoughts on down... So if you are ready to get down, lets get down with the get down!

      I am running away from commitment. I do not want to commit to choosing a career. I do not want to commit to a relationship. I do not want to commit to anything that I feel will make me stagnant. It is the biggest oxymoron, I know.... I fear being boxed into a career, one that I am not happy with, one that I do not grow in. I have put school on hold for many years, because I cannot chose a career path I want to grow into. In return, do you know what this has made me? If you guessed stagnant, you would be absolutely correct! I feel like I am traveling down an endless hallway with shut doors. Instead of opening any of them, I just keep walking. Why do I keep walking? Why am I stopping myself from opening any door to see what is behind them? It is not like I am not curious about what is behind them, I just fear what is behind each door. I am now learning (when I say now, I mean right now) that commitment takes balls!

      I am also running from Love (such a cliche, yet an ungrasped emotion) Is it possible to not be aware of your feelings? Here is a little fun fact about me, I am emotionally challenged. What may be common sense to you, might be something I cannot wrap my pretty little head around. My complex with love started young, my building stages in life were very unfortunate, and affects me more than I like to admit. I may appear to have all the confidence in the world, but there is a deep root of insecurity that I just can't seem to pull. No matter how hard I try to exude confidence, on the inside that deep seeded root makes me feel worthless. I am not scared of many things in life, but Love, it scares the shit out of me. I dodge any sign of it, I have purposely mess up relationships because of it, and I do not open myself up in fear of falling into it. I run from Love, because I am scared to let anyone in, and have them steal any worth I have left.

      I am scared shitless of what happens after love, and after my career: I will be pressured to start a family. (Big Gulp) I am sweating bullets as I type this. I have always seen a family in my "vision", but the realness of actually carrying a baby inside of me, and giving another human life... Does the world need another Marie running around? As my own woman, I ask myself "Do I want to get married?" "Do I want kids?" "Do I want to be a stay at home mom?" "Do I want to be a career mom?" "Is being a 'dog mother' good enough for me?" I cant even imagine being in a relationship, let alone a marriage... Me falling head over hills in love with someone, scares me down to the core of my soul. How would having a kid effect my career? I know plenty of women who have the career they want, and the family they longed for. I know women who have given up their career, to selflessly take care of their house, husband, and kids. I struggle in picking a career, because I do not want to be forced into a role. I do not want to pursue a career 110%, and shut out ever finding true love, and start a family. I also do not think I could be selfless enough to stay at home and dedicate everything to my family.  I am scared to settle, and get comfortable in these decisions. I want to live, but what life to live is the real question?

      My aspirations are as deep as the sea, they all vary with the state of my life. Presently, I aspire to finish school, and start a career. The only flaw to this aspiration, is I have no earthy idea what I want to pursue. Long term, I want to fall in love, I want to build a family, I want to build my own legacy to leave behind, I want to change lives, and become the woman I know I am. I want people to know that Marie was here, and she made a difference. However, it is so hard for me to knock down these barriers that block me from the life I know I want, and deserve. I started this blog to journal my journey, but a journey traveled alone is not near as fulfilling as a journey traveled with many. I want this entry to be the first stepping stone into all of our journeys (well the few of you who actually read my blog) So I ask you, What do you want? What are you scared of? Why are you running?


Thursday, January 2, 2014


      Many of us take medication to feel better. Depending on your symptoms and the side effects, you are gambling feeling better or worst. In my experiences, relationships can have the same affect.

      Life would be a whole lot easier if we all had a Warning Label to help us communicate with each other. One could manage their doses, and decide if they would like a different prescription. Before I go into depth with a blog, I would like to give you my disclaimer. I understand that this puts me in a vulnerable position... However, that is okay: you can lift me up or cut me to the white meat. I hope my Warning Label helps you better decide to prescribe a dose of Marie, and up your dosage! Maybe you will decide to go with an over-the-counter drug with the same effects. I want to let you know what I am working with before I bare my soul. 

Marie- Made by Bartlett Products, in Houston, Texas
Life Relief 
**For Permanent Life Relief of the Open Minded
This product is unpredictable, and should not be used with any other product.

Drug Facts
Active ingredients:
        -Compassion/ Support

Uses (Permanent Relief for minor/major aches and pain due to):
        -Past/Future Mistakes
        -The Common Venting
        -Menstrual Episodes
        -Day-to-Day Stresses
        -Unforgettable Moments

Alcohol Warning: If consumed with three or more alcoholic beverages, you may experience emotional changes such as:
        -Diva Mentality 
        -Sexual Desires
        -Hot Temper

Stop Use and Ask Doctor:
        -Every 15th-20th of Each Month (Hormones are higher than usual)
        -If  there are unsolvable problems or serious side effects
        -If you have a bad history with "Wild Cards"
        -If you are offended by Foul Language, Cutting Edge Sense of Humor, BeyoncĂ©, Homosexuals,            Impromptu Situations.
        -Take small doses at first, product can be too much until your body adjust

**Wait until 18 years of age to take.

When Taking This Product:
        -Take with Patience and Understanding
        -The Risk of Heart Attack or Stroke may increase if you use more than directed or for longer                 than directed.

Other Information: 
       -Store at 73-75 Degrees F
       -Hard Shell, Soft Interior  
       -Requires Love and Affection
       -Passive until Comfortable to be Vulnerable 
       -Uses Humor to Mask Feelings
       -Interrupts but Always Pays Attention
       -The biggest Oxymoron, unpredictable

One of a kind since 1990