Thursday, December 19, 2013

Girl Interrupted- By An Epiphany

Many of us go day by day, doing day-to-day task to survive. We do what we have to do, to survive this demanding life we all "live". I say "live" loosely, and my personal opinion out of context. I'm going to restate the statement, but how I would say it. We do what we have to do, to survive this demanding life we all exist. I say "exist" because I don't feel as if going day by day, doing day-to-day task is living. When I wake up, the first thing I do, is start the never ending "To-Do List" I create every night before I go to sleep. While my pretty little head should be resting, I am too busy over analyzing this so called life I think I'm "living". I pick apart conversations with people, I come up with better words I think I should have express. I beat myself up for the words I think I shouldn't have said. I plan the next day, I map out my bills for the next two months. Soon, I find my self almost having a panic attack thinking about the future. Having "Night Terrors" of me never amounting to anything, being the person everyone projected me to be. After wondering what I was possibly made to do, I discovered that I am undiscovered. You may read that and be a little confused, some people call it lost. However, I don't feel as if I am lost, I feel that I don't fully know myself... Who is Marie? Many people have never met their soul, and many may never meet their soul. That statement sounds incorrectly bold doesn't it? Well, for those who know me, this comes as no surprise. For those who have not had the opportunity, hello I am Marie. Right now, you may be asking yourself the same question I ask myself many nights "Who is Marie?" 
        Hopefully, I have you hooked, because my goal is to buckle you in, and take you on the ride of your life, to my world. I want you to come along and explore my soul. I want to introduce you to my good, my bad, and my ugly. You might disagree with every single word I write, but it just might inspire you. It might inspire you to start a meet-up group every Tuesday and Thursday, where everyone brings a potluck dish. And while I bring you guys together, you tear my words apart, cruelly and relentlessly. On the other hand, it might inspire you to discover, and exploit yourself. You might want to break out of your comfort zone, and discover that there is more to life than what we all exist in. I remember the moment when I finally had clarity, a huge crisp breath of fresh air... The very moment when I realized the life I was "living" did not hold water. An epiphany that is still the most beautiful disaster of my life. I have burnt bridges, beautiful flames that have lit a brighter path. I trust the wrong souls, that are paving a more concrete foundation. I am in a constant battle with myself, sometimes I feel it is more than a battle... I am in a never ending war! Although there are many moments, I would give anything to go back and relive, with the knowledge and experience I have now. However, I wouldn't have a testimony. I wouldn't have those long, life changing cries to share with you. The cries, I would run home and jump in the shower for, where no one could interrupt. None of my opinions have to matter to you, I am aware that I don't have all the answers. I am also aware that I am not an award winning author. I am merely, a young girl, this is not a "How-to". I want this to be me entertaining you with my beautiful tragedies. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, hold on to your butts, because this is going to be a bumpy ride....


  1. I'm ready for some more bumpy ride! You go Girl!! xox

  2. I love it, just might discover your purpose in this fact, I believe that, like Ester in the Bible, "for this moment were you born." Congratulations for stepping out of your comfort zone and letting go....yes, you will be beat up and sore at first...but that is exactly the way it is suppose to be...we experience the depths of the valley in order that we may recognize the peaks of the mountaintops that we have challenged ourselves and struggled to reach. Yes, Marie....I'm proud of you! Let's discover Marie....and in turn, we may just see a glimpse of ourselves along the way.

  3. Mmm we have a writer!! Testify!!
